Monday, May 31, 2010

Grief and Loss

Often Christians have a misconception that if they grieve openly when a loved one dies they are demonstrating to the world their lack of faith or acceptance of God's plan for their life. As Grief Life Coaches (sm) we are here to change that misconception. We want to encourage Christians to genuinely express their grief emotions and offer grief support. It's scriptural. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think you are right! I know of Christian families who have "agreed" before the funeral that they were not going to cry because they didn't want people to think they were lesser Christians if they grieved openly. As christians, I think we should encourage people to cry and share openly--after all, that's what people did in bible times-they tore their clothes and threw ashes on their face as an outward expression of grief. Today, I think we try to hurry through our funerals and we don't take time to stop and think about the significant role the lost loved one played in our life.
